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Eating eggs during pregnancy

Pregnancy increases a woman’s nutritional needs significantly for energy, protein, omega 3 fatty acids, choline, vitamins and minerals including calcium, vitamin E, folate, iron and zinc.

Learn more about how eggs are an important source of many of these nutrients and the key role they may have during pregnancy also find out about:

  • Safety issues regarding eating eggs
  • How many to eat each day
  • An important source of choline
  • Recipe ideas
  • Are eggs OK for baby?

While you are on this site you can also learn more about eggs and other health issues:

Eggs and cholesterol – allergies- diabetes- heart disease- vegetarian diets and much more.

Learn how eggs should be cooked to minimize fat intake and much more…..

Note: If you have weight or health issues and are wondering how many eggs you should have each day be guided by your doctor and dietitian

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  • Caffeine and Athletic performance

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  • Microgreens and sprouts punch well above their...

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  • Deficiency dilemma: Long-term gluten-free diets...

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  • Light exposure at night can affect the health...

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  • Men’s health week: June 13-19th 2022

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  • Move Your Butt

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  • Why we need to practice emotional first aid

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  • Long Covid and Children’s Nutrition

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  • Heart Foundation and Nuts Position Paper

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  • Yes, even athletes get heart disease

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