
Children 0–2 years

During the first two years of a child’s life a great deal of physical and mental development is taking place. As a child moves from breast milk towards solid foods this can also coincide with childhood illnesses, teething, allergies etc. Talking through these issues with a Dietitian can really help to support parents as they learn how to meet their child’s nutritional needs.

Child growth rates vary

Does your child still fit last year’s school uniform?
It is surprising how much growth can occur over the school holidays
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Nutrition suffers when children smoke

The smaller lungs and lighter weight of young children increases their vulnerability to the harmful effects of second hand smoke Read more »

Obesity problems may start in the womb

Overweight and obese women are a greater risk of developing complications endangering their own health during pregnancy and are also more likely to bare children who are overweight themselves Read more »

8+ Tips for managing teething troubles

Few children escape teething without some discomfort. Rosy flushed cheeks, a runny nose, irritable behavior, disturbed sleep and bowel function are all hallmarks of tooth eruption Read more »

“Picky” eating affects all age groups

Picky eating, food aversions or fads can affect people of all ages and can be a major source of frustration for those trying to prepare meals. Read more »

Who controls feeding – the mother or the child?

Studies of toddlers aged 20 months to 6 years, that examined baby-led weaning versus traditional spoon feeding methods have found that feeding method can influence food preferences and health related outcomes in later life. We look at the pros and cons. Read more »

Infant nutrition influences blood pressure later in life

Scientific evidence suggests that environmental factors acting early in life may affect blood pressure in adult life. A study in Britain in 2004 supported earlier studies on infant nutrition and blood pressure that show a small reduction in systolic blood pressure in children breast-fed compared to those who were bottle-fed. Other advantages of breastfeeding Breast … Read more »

Vegeterian diets

If you are a parent wanting to provide a vegetarian diet for your child then you need to take particular care to ensure that your child has an adequate intake of the following nutrients: Read more »

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