What is a Nutritional Assessment?
We prefer that all our clients undertake a dietary assessment of their current diet before treatment. This is because we want to help you find out more about how your meal pattern, nutrient intake and meal times affect the way you feel and your energy levels.
Using dietary information you have collected for us over a 7 day period we can help you to assess your nutritional status.
- Find out if your individual nutrient needs are currently being met.
- Discover what you do really well and what key nutrients require attention.
- How much cholesterol, saturated fat, carbohydrate and alcohol do you consume?
- What effect do these things have on your blood sugar and cholesterol levels?
- How adequate is your vitamin and mineral intake?
- Are you having sufficient nutrients to aid brain function, mood and memory?
- Is your energy intake matching your varying needs for physical activity?
- Find out if you have enough dietary fibre and fluids to aid digestion.
- And much more…
To get started
Contact us for a 15 minute appointment to collect details of your medical and diet history and to discuss your needs
Check your body composition (height, weight body mass and % body fat) activity details and goals.
Fill out the food data collection sheets that we send you online and email these back for analysis. (Note this can also be carried out using hard copy and mailed or faxed back if you would prefer).
A report will be emailed to you outlining the results that we have found.
Depending on the results of you assessment you may decide to leave it at that or if you have major weight or cholesterol lowering issues to address then you may elect to carry on with the rest of the Inspiration series and other dietary packages available. Visit weight control for more details.