
Nutrition is a relatively young applied science that is constantly advancing. Dietitians earn our credentials by keeping up with these changes and through our articles and newsletters we try to keep you updated too.

Wishing you peace and love this Christmas

It’s been another really challenging year… hasn’t it? Many families, like us, are separated by distance from loved ones overseas. Many people this year have lost their jobs, are under financial pressures are experiencing hardship and ill health. Our thoughts and prayers are particularly with … Read more »

How to Grow an Athlete is now available worldwide!

Lea’s book How to Grow an Athlete: From Playground to Podium is now available world wide as an ebook and audible. Read more »

Celebrate with me 291 Newsletters over 28 years!

Its been great fun! but now it’s time to move onto other community and educational endeavours. Thanks so much to the many who have contributed their ideas and support. Read more »

Changing gears

Yes it’s true, after 39 busy and rewarding years I’m stepping away from Private Practice at the end of June this year in order to concentrate more on community work. Read more »

Save $$ on family packages

Needing to gain or lose weight this year? Grab a family member and save $100 on nutrition education and weight management packages.There’s no fat shaming, weight bias or skinny talk!…I’m here to help & listen to your needs. Read more »

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Merry Christmas Everyone! Its been another tough year for many people. I think most of us are united in wanting food security, a roof over our heads, peace and love, as much for ourselves as for the whole world. God Bless😊 Read more »

Life Member of Food Writers New Zealand Award

Lea is honoured to receive a Life Member of Food Writers New Zealand Award in recognition of her work as an author and nutritionist in the realm of food communications. Read more »

Pace yourself this Cup and Show week

To keep up your energy levels and enjoy the fun of the show and races this week it helps to eat well and to pace yourself. These guidelines are simple but truly effective. Have a great week! Read more »