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How the right smell can encourage healthier shopping..

This month’s article by The Conversation: ‘Dollars and scents: How the right smells can encourage shoppers to buy healthier food’ makes fascinating reading…Learn more. Read more »

Nutrition for Snowboarding

Snowboarding is an intermittent sport involving both sprints and endurance requiring strength, power and agility. Sports nutrition can aid performance & reduce risks of injury Read more »

Food skills for life

Knowing how to prepare nutritious and delicious food is a life skill which the team at know all about having developed programmes and resources for us all. Read more »


How reliable is your knowledge of general nutrition and how might this apply when setting up strategies if you are competing or training in your chosen sport? Undertaking this short questionnaire is a great way to find out. Read more »

Free ebook from Sanitarium

Are you looking for some easy, affordable and healthy recipes that are Dietitian approved and good for your health? Find out more about Sanitarium’s new ebook and recipe collection. Read more »


Gymnasts are required to be strong and flexible as well as have a high level of skill and co-ordination. Find out more about the seven disciplines of gymnastics and how sports nutrition can really make a difference to results. Read more »

Does one size fit all?

There’s lots of nutritional advice available for the general public these days. But is all this information applicable to the needs of athletes? One size certainly does not fit all according to USA Sports Dietitian Nancy Clark Read more »

Exploring the nutrition landscape of vegan diets: challenges & considerations.

There’s alot of interest in plant-based diets these days. What are some of the considerations and trade-offs such as nutrient adequacy and costs, that need to be considered if adopting a vegan lifestyle? Find out more.. Read more »