Workplace Nutrition

The organisation that promotes good nutrition within the workplace benefits not only from improved productivity and efficiency in work output but also contributes to the creation of a healthier community.

Research has proved that a healthy workforce is not only more productive in terms of unit output each day, but also looses less time through sickness, accident and staff attrition.

Developing a Health and Safety Programme for these staff is now on the agenda for many companies and nutrition education is an important part of such a plan.

Over the past ten years Lea Stening Health has worked with a number of companies in this way. NZ Police, NZ Fire Service, Air NZ, Mount Cook, Johnson Coachlines, Gunn’s Veneer Co, IRD, ACC etc. to name just a few.

We can help in the following ways:

Nutrition questionnaires

Set up a nutrition questionnaire that assesses the nutritional knowledge/needs of your workforce.

Power point presentations

Design a power point presentation on nutrition that includes the results of the questionnaire your staff have completed.

Seminars and workshops

Conduct seminars for staff or workshops on practical ways to improve nutrition.

Networking with other health professionals

Work with other health professionals within your organisation such as your company doctor or industrial health nurse or social workers to work with individual workers or to help target identified nutritional needs within your group.

Food services assessment

Assess in house food services for nutritional adequacy and where necessary make recommendations for change.

Contribution to in-house publications

Contribute nutritional articles or columns for your company newsletters or in-house magazines.


Please contact us for more information.