Changing gears: Yes it's true, after 39 busy and rewarding years I'm stepping away from Private Practice at the end of June this year in order to concentrate more on community work. Read more »



Men’s health

Men often lead very stressful lives dealing with work and family pressures.Good nutrition can really help them to stay fit, keep in shape, improve their performance and enjoyment of life.

Nutritional assessment

A nutritional assessment is a useful diagnostic tool to evaluate your present dietary practices. It helps to determine if individual nutritional needs are being met and identifies key nutrient deficiencies Read more »

Christmas: keep up that cheer!

By identifying the associated pitfalls of the ‘jolly season’, you can develop an action plan to help minimise the disruption to your present lifestyle and take the time to enjoy the holiday season ahead. Read more »

Wicked winter

The battle has once again begun! Winter is the month that brings colds, the flu, fatigue and freezing temperatures back into our lives. It is a annual occurrence that sends many running for cover; right into the comfy arms of our favourite chair or bed snuggled up to avoid that winter chill. We mimic the … Read more »

New year, new lifestyle?

Education research has shown that people learn in different ways. This fact has been taken into account when Lea Stening developed her nutrition education programs. We hope we can help you too. Read more »

Nutrition and joint health

Nutrition plays a role in collagen, bone and cartilage formation. A nutrition assessment could help you to find better health Read more »

Diabetes and antioxidants

Research indicates that oxidative stress (oxygen-related cell damage) may play a significant role in diabetic complications and that dietary adjustments may improve outcomes. Read more »

Osteoporosis ‘the silent disease’

Many people associate osteoporosis with frail little old ladies, however it is not only this group that is affected. Age-related bone loss starts in mid-life. Read more »

Homocysteine and cardiovascular disease: folate to the rescue!

Many people associate osteoporosis with frail little old ladies, however it is not only this group that is affected. Age-related bone loss starts in mid-life. Read more »

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