Changing gears: Yes it's true, after 39 busy and rewarding years I'm stepping away from Private Practice at the end of June this year in order to concentrate more on community work. Read more »




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Changing our “weight talk” may bring better health

A child can build their confidence and self esteem if monitoring their growth rate is accompanied by positive health messages about weight, fitness and energy to achieve in life. Read more »

Don’t let stress fractures slow your performance

Stress fractures are not just a problem for athletes who overtrain. They can affect anybody as they also relate to lifestyle and nutrition choices. Find out if you at risk. Read more »

Organic food markets are gaining traction

Organic foods are more expensive but as more farms convert to organic food production the costs do come down and the savings to the environment by reducing pollution and conserving water and soil quality may, in the long-term, be money well spent Read more »

Overcome misconceptions about weight for better family health

Despite the proliferation of information linking a healthy diet with weight control the rates of obesity around the world continue to grow.1
Could it be that adults and children misperceive their weight or lack the self- efficacy to make changes?
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Nutrition for distance runners and “fun runs”

Distance running and “fun runs” (and walks) of varying length and degree of difficulty are becoming popular, attracting family and community groups; recreational and elite participants. Paying attention to sports nutrition can improve an athletes performance and enjoyment of these events Read more »

Fish and mercury contamination

While fish can also contain some mercury it is still possible to enjoy the health benefits of eating fish and keep the exposure to mercury within safe limits. Read more »

Juice diets – are they as healthy as they sound?

For busy people, who might rather drink than chew their fruits and vegetables, the juicing trend sounds like a “gods send”. What possible disadvantages could there be to health? Find out the pros and cons of this new diet craze. Read more »

Hot tips to build commitment

Whether you are wanting to build a stronger relationship with your partner this Valentine’s day or take on a new course of study, improve your diet, exercise or work output this year- it all takes a certain level of commitment. Have you got what it takes to put your heart and soul into it? Read more »

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