Changing gears: Yes it's true, after 39 busy and rewarding years I'm stepping away from Private Practice at the end of June this year in order to concentrate more on community work. Read more »



Diet therapy

Dietitians are trained to help people who, through medical (or elective) reasons, are unable to eat certain foods, whilst also helping them to maintain nutritional adequacy for good health.

Vegetarians face extra hurdles

Despite the apparently healthier lifestyle vegetarian athletes (like anybody) can still become overweight, hungry, bloated and suffering from multiple nutrient deficiencies. Read more »

The gut-brain axis is important to sporting performance

Do you ever suffer from” runners diarrhoea”, bouts of anxiety , fatigue, abdominal pain or gas when facing competition? Read more »

Swim for your life

Whether you are swimming for fun or competition this sport has many health benefits that can be enhanced with good nutrition. Knowing what to eat and when can also greatly improve your enjoyment of the sport as well as your level of performance.
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Eat your way to healthier nails

The quality, appearance and growth of our nails often reflect the state of our general health and the adequacy of some essential nutrients in our diet.

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Skin care for active people

The stress of competition, the sun and wind, sweat, chaffing and high sugar levels are just some of the things that can aggravate the skin conditions of athletes and very active people. Read more »

Care for “the carers” during family illness

When family members are sick or hospitalised it can be very challenging to find the time to exercise and maintain a healthy diet for yourself. Particularly if you are working, caring for children, or trying to complete a course of study.
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Don’t let disordered eating ruin your performance

An eating disorder can affect anyone at any age, any sport, any background and any gender. The symptoms may build slowly well before the illness becomes evident. Often it is an athletes support team such as parents, friends, team mates and coaches that pick up on the symptoms and can prevent the disorder from ruining the athletes sporting career. Read more »

Could your weight be disabling you?

The human body is hugely resilient, constantly strengthening muscles and remodeling bones and joints to take up new loads. However as we age and weight is gained and lost, metabolic changes can take place that alter this remodeling process and can set us on a path to failing mobility and independence. Read more »

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