Changing gears: Yes it's true, after 39 busy and rewarding years I'm stepping away from Private Practice at the end of June this year in order to concentrate more on community work. Read more »



Diet therapy

Dietitians are trained to help people who, through medical (or elective) reasons, are unable to eat certain foods, whilst also helping them to maintain nutritional adequacy for good health.

Boosting fibre intake offers health benefits

Research shows that a diet high in fibre can reduce the risk of developing diseases such as type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, bowel and breast cancer, gallstones, diverticular disease and weight gain. It also seems that some fibres are better than others. Read more »

Diet can offer protection when cold conditions threaten performance

Cold injuries and illness occur in a wide range of physical activities. An understanding of the importance of sports nutrition and planning appropriate meals and snacks can offer some protection and may also improve overall performance Read more »

Healthy diet aids menopause management

Menopause is a natural biological process women pass through and just like puberty it is not a medical illness. A woman’s experience of Menopause is very individual and so there is no one “cure” for the range of symptoms that may be experienced. Read more »

Could the French Diet reduce obesity in New Zealand?

The French diet is relatively high in saturated fat and yet in 2012 the French have a low incidence of obesity (11% compared to 28% in New Zealand). Why is this? Read more »

How to increase the ‘Good’ fats in your diet

If you are thinking of cutting fat out of your diet stop right now. Fat is important for nerve and cellular function but choosing the right “type” of fat is what matters most to our long term health. Read more »

Can a high fat diet improve sports performance?

Fat carries more energy than other macro nutrients (9kcals/37kJ/g compared to 7kcal/29kJ/g for alcohol and 4kcal/17kJ/g for protein and carbohydrate respectively). So with so much energy to offer does eating more improve performance?
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Healthy ideas for family takeaway meals

Did you know that in 2012 around 21% of New Zealander’s weekly food expenditure was spent on eating out and takeaways? Read more »

Are you a “sneaky snacker”?

Some people find it hard to control snacking and are continuously thinking about food. They may find themselves constantly picking, stock piling foods in drawers and cupboards at home and work. Read more »

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