
Diet therapy

Dietitians are trained to help people who, through medical (or elective) reasons, are unable to eat certain foods, whilst also helping them to maintain nutritional adequacy for good health.

Time your eating for better performance?

If playing sport or exercising, understanding the GI can help you to select foods that will provide optimal energy at key stages of activity for better performance.
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Tips to help you ‘shake off’ the salt habit

In a bid to reduce the intake of processed foods many food manufacturers are modifying their products to meet new food guidelines particularly regarding salt. Find out if you are still getting too much? Read more »

Is going “Gluten Free” a healthy food choice?

As the popularity of gluten- free diets grow we need to question whether in fact it is a healthy option for any of us and if not how can we make it so? Read more »

Does your diet tick all the boxes?

Is dieting still fun if it ages you? Find out if your diet ticks all the boxes for your better health and performance. Read more »

10 tips to prevent weight gain in marriage

When couples move in together they set in motion changes to their long-term health. While there are many health benefits of living together managing weight may need extra care and attention Read more »

Sports supplements should be taken with care

While some supplements are well recognised as being useful to performance others can lead to positive drug testing and disqualification as well as endanger long-term health. Read more »

Changing our “weight talk” may bring better health

A child can build their confidence and self esteem if monitoring their growth rate is accompanied by positive health messages about weight, fitness and energy to achieve in life. Read more »

Don’t let stress fractures slow your performance

Stress fractures are not just a problem for athletes who overtrain. They can affect anybody as they also relate to lifestyle and nutrition choices. Find out if you at risk. Read more »

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