Changing gears: Yes it's true, after 39 busy and rewarding years I'm stepping away from Private Practice at the end of June this year in order to concentrate more on community work. Read more »



Lea Stening

And the race is on…

If you want to fit a suit or dress for a wedding, end of year ball or the races and need to shed a few kilos then it pays to start early Read more »

Nutrition and breast cancer

In 2014 breast cancer was the most common cancer among females living in New Zealand. Read more »

Brain foods

What we eat and when we eat has a profound affect on the speed at which we make decisions, learn and remember things Read more »

The power of measured change

It’s easy to judge our fitness from the outside our shape and size. But it’s what is going on under the skin that really counts. Work by Jamie Oliver highlights the damage a lifetime of excess food can do to the human body. Read more »

Winter weight loss tips

If you are struggling to control weight over winter despite your best effort there here are some finer tips that might help. Read more »

Be wary of saboteurs

Is your next New Years resolution to get fit and lose some weight? Then we can help you identify the sabateur’s to your best- laid plan and get you back on track. Read more »

Sleep aids growth

If children sleep in what happens to breakfast? Read more »

Tips for great partying this summer!

If planning a party think back about the party you most enjoyed. Follow our tips for being a caring host. Read more »

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