Changing gears: Yes it's true, after 39 busy and rewarding years I'm stepping away from Private Practice at the end of June this year in order to concentrate more on community work. Read more »




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The sunshine nutrient – Vitamin D

Research has found that light does affect our moods and has an antidepressant effect. Sunlight is also important for Vitamin D production Read more »

Can it! – how nutritious are canned products?

Open any kitchen cupboard around the country and you will most likely come across a can of food somewhere. In our Bach’s, boat’s, pantries, the City Mission, hospitals, student flats there they are waiting for you to open them. Read more »

Folate fuss & fortification of bread

The subject of folate fortification in New Zealand caused a stir when first muted in 2011 however one thing is for sure, we all need folate. Read more »

Fat and the brain

Around two thirds of the human brain is made from fat and the types of fats that we eat not only affect things such as our weight, heart and cholesterol levels but also the way our brain processes information. Read more »

Keep drinking milk

While we await more published scientific evidence to support the health claims that A2™ is superior to normal A1 milk there are real concerns amongst Dietitians that people may avoid drinking milk altogether. Read more »

Alcohol and weight

Alcohol is seemingly the most respectable drug within the New Zealand social scene but could our consumption be contributing to New Zealander’s growing problem of obesity? Read more »

Walk more sit less

Take up the challenge! If you want to loose weight and get fitter you have to walk more and sit less right now. It has been estimated that if everyone in the USA were to walk briskly 30mins each day they could reduce chronic illness by up to 40%. If we did the same we … Read more »

Issues of concern to young athletes

Young developing athletes are an incredibly challenging group to work with because they are usually in the middle of adolescence and experiencing considerable physical and emotional change. Read more »

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