Changing gears: Yes it's true, after 39 busy and rewarding years I'm stepping away from Private Practice at the end of June this year in order to concentrate more on community work. Read more »




Often the time of year, the seasons, the dates in our calendars can affect how we feel, what we eat, how we celebrate etc. These special times can have an impact on our state of health.

What is the “Exercise Price” for eating easter treats?

Find out how much exercise you may need to do to burn off those extra Easter calories Read more »

Easter treats

If given a tray of Easter Eggs can you stop at one or two or do you eat the whole lot?
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Are you seeking motivation?

Do you find yourself at the start of every year with a list of things that you know you should do, behaviours you want to change? But are unsure how to kick start the process? Read more »

Ten tips for a healthier christmas

If you are keen to finish this year on a high note then here are a few tips to set you onto a healthier path for the year ahead. Read more »

Survival guidelines for Cup and Show Week

Whether you are heading off to the races or show you need to eat well in order to survive. It may sound a little extreme but it does take a lot of energy to walk around all day looking at the fashion, the horses and all the other animals.

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Stress reduction at christmas

Impulsive eating is seldom due to hunger and more often a means of reducing stress, anxiety and tension. Read more »

Christmas: keep up that cheer!

By identifying the associated pitfalls of the ‘jolly season’, you can develop an action plan to help minimise the disruption to your present lifestyle and take the time to enjoy the holiday season ahead. Read more »

Wicked winter

The battle has once again begun! Winter is the month that brings colds, the flu, fatigue and freezing temperatures back into our lives. It is a annual occurrence that sends many running for cover; right into the comfy arms of our favourite chair or bed snuggled up to avoid that winter chill. We mimic the … Read more »

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