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Are you eating enough to fuel performance?

Are you eating enough for performance? The Australian Insititute of Sport has recently put out two excellent infographics on the subject of energy deficiency, why it happens, its affects on performance and what you can do. Read more »

A stable gut helps elite athletes perform better

Researchers in the UK have studied the impact of high protein and high carbohydrate regimes on the stability of microbiome in the gut to see if this can alter performance of endurance athletes during time trials. Learn more… Read more »

Is fake meat healthy? And what’s actually in it?

For people keen to reduce their intake of animal products and eat more plant based foods, fake meat may seem like a good alternative. So how healthy is it? Can it reduce our weight and cholesterol and is it good for the planet? Read more »

Low iron is a health risk made worse with Covid 19

Feeling tired and washed out? Maybe you’re iron deficient. Its a worldwide problem. New research shows Covid 19 may be altering our gut health, reducing iron absorption and the effectiveness of supplementation. Learn more Read more »

The secret to mastering life’s biggest transitions

Are you feeling ‘stuck’ in a chapter of your life that you’re ready to move on from? Maybe you feel caught in uncertain, painful and confusing times. This Ted Talk with author Bruce Feller offers some powerful tools to help. Read more »

The weight of a women

Jenni knows there must be more to life. She believes her life will finally begin when she loses her excess weight but what she learns not only changes her perspective on her weight concerns but the way she sees herself. Read more »

Walnut consumption early on in life may lead to better health as we age

Research has found that consuming walnuts early in life could create a bridge to other health promoting lifestyle habits helping to reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and heart disease as we age. Read more »

Healthy eating on a budget eBook

A lot of people are finding it tough right now to make ends meet. So here’s some valuable resources from Sanitarium that will give you budget friendly recipes along with some healthy tips for eating on less. Read more »

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