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Heart Foundation and Nuts Position Paper

Are you thinking of reducing your meat intake but are unsure whether nuts and seeds are a good source of alternative protein? Find out more in this recently published position paper from the Heart Foundation Read more »

Yes, even athletes get heart disease

Often athletes believe that if they are skinny and active they can safely eat high fat, high salt foods without this being detrimental to their health. In this great article by Dietitian Nancy Clarke we learn it’s time to think again. Read more »

Sugar and Sweeteners

The WHO recommends that we reduce our intake of sugar but should we instead use intense sweeteners? We look at two websites packed full of information to help you Read more »

Sport during school is linked to academic performance

Researchers at the University of Sydney’s Charles Perkins Centre have found a positive link between the participation in sport played at school and academic performance. Find out more… Read more »

Sports nutrition for tennis

Playing Tennis during hot summer months can pose extra nutritional demands on the body that need to be met to maximise performance. Sports Dietitians Australia offer some great tips to help you get the most out of your game Read more »

Gut Health Month

Gut Health Month is your opportunity to learn if your bowel habits are healthy and to understand how nutrition impacts your gut health. Register now to access up to date resources on nutrition-related gut issues. Read more »

Covid and nutrition video for patients and staff- Israel

With Omicron now in NZ there may be times in the coming weeks when we may have to isolate at home or care for other family members or friends who may be sick. This video from Israel, made for hospital staff may help you too.
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Food for under 5’s

If you are a parent of a child 5 years or under you may be wondering about the food that is served to them at daycare. This free resource can help you understand your child’s nutritional needs wherever they are. Read more »

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