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Eating and drinking during exercise

How much you need to eat and drink during exercise depends on lots of personal factors, intensity and duration of training etc. Find out more Read more »

More beef and lamb recipes

While health recommendations seek to lower the intake and frequency of red meat eating it is still part of a healthy diet. These recipes may help you. Read more »

Dairy and the heart

Is it necessary to reduce milk and milk products in order to reduce the risk of heart disease? Find out the latest nutrition facts. Read more »

Dietitian puts extreme clean eating claims to the test

Is the new clean eating movement good for your health? Find out Read more »

Are plant- based beverages suitable for children?

Are plant-based beverages such as soy, coconut, almond, rice of quinoa drinks sufficiently healthy enough to fed our children? Find out. Read more »

Alcohol: Quick facts

Alcohol is both a food and a drug so how is it affecting life in New Zealand, Australia and Europe? Read more »

9 things NZ must do to tackle the child obesity crisis

What are the main health issues in NZ? As the election draws near we need to ask all political parties what they plan to do for better child health. Read more »

Healthy Celebrations

Healthy Celebrations offers up not only healthy recipes and ways to have fun but also respects the needs of different ethnic groups Read more »

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