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Acrylamide in coffee- are you getting too much?

A Californian judge has ruled that Starbucks and other businesses serving coffee have to display warnings that Acrylamide in coffee can cause cancer. Is it a problem in New Zealand and what can you do about it? Read more »

Healthcare & productivity savings if grain fibre intake increased in NZ

New research claims that if New Zealanders increased their intake of grain fibre by just 1g per day then savings in healthcare expenditure and productivity in NZ could total $46million annually Read more »

Poor fitness linked to weaker brain fibre, high dementia risk

Poor fitness levels can impact on nerve fibres in the brain leading to loss of cognitive function and memory. Find out more about research linking exercise with better mental health Read more »

Preventing falls at home and work

We all take our mobility for granted until something goes wrong and we fall. Whether at home, work or play falls can be very debilitating, undermining our confidence and health. Find out how to prevent them. Read more »

The Alkaline diet-can it improve performance?

Does this Alkaline diet really live up to it’s promises or could it be of concern to your health? Read more »

Running can keep bone marrow young

New research shows regular exercise can slow down or stop spinal bone marrow from turning into fatty tissue as we age. Find out more. Read more »

Is your child’s lunch raising the risk of heart disease?

Could the sandwich fillings in your child’s lunchbox be hiding too much salt and raising their risk of heart disease in the future? Find out Read more »

How to manage food allergy anxiety

Do you need help to manage food allergy anxiety? This February edition of Allergy Today offer some excellent article on how to help children to cope. Read more »

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