
Nutrition is constantly in the media and as Dietitians we endeavour to monitor scientific change and balance it with practical application and the enjoyment of food.

Teenagers – they rove-eat-sleep and grow!

During adolescence feeding patterns change and often family mealtimes are interrupted by sporting events or after school work commitments. Read more »

School lunches

While lunches can be a hassle to make they benefit a child’s growth, weight, concentration, mood, behaviour and learning ability. You can benefit too. Read more »

Reducing childhood obesity

Much has been written about the reasons for childhood obesity and research is now pin pointing some important measures that parents and care givers need to be aware of in order to bring about change Read more »

Fish for good child nutrition

Fish is great for the health of adults but is it safe for children to eat? Read more »

Coping with school holidays

School holidays can really tax the energy of parents and children and can also be a time of rapid growth and change in body weight. Read more »

Childhood obesity – environmental factors

Community design in many sprawling western cities, has resulted in shops and services being more widely spaced, making it less likely for us to walk to our destination, driving to work, school and the grocery shop. Read more »

Dental health focus

Oral health and nutrition have a very synergistic relationship; if we impair our functional ability to eat, we in turn also affect our diet and nutritional status. Read more »

Creative kids

School holidays and weekends are a great time to get the children involved in creative activities such as cooking, gardening, shopping and art all of which can help to build theirself esteem, knowledge, confidence and better mental health. Read more »

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