Changing gears: Yes it's true, after 39 busy and rewarding years I'm stepping away from Private Practice at the end of June this year in order to concentrate more on community work. Read more »



Nutrition is constantly in the media and as Dietitians we endeavour to monitor scientific change and balance it with practical application and the enjoyment of food.


Public awareness of sugars within our diet has slowly increased in recent years. Whilst fat has borne the majority of blame for its implication in development of excess body weight, sugar has escaped relatively lightly. Read more »

Motivating adolescents to eat healthy foods

Many adolescents view healthy eating negatively as either good foods/ bad foods or foods to be avoided rather than focusing on the benefits accrued by eating more healthily. Read more »

Aim for consistency in children’s feeding regimes

Research shows that around 300,000 parents in NZ raising their children alone. Consistent nutrition messages are important to child health when care is shared between parents and other family members. Read more »

Vegeterian diets

If you are a parent wanting to provide a vegetarian diet for your child then you need to take particular care to ensure that your child has an adequate intake of the following nutrients: Read more »

Allergy awareness

At Lea Stening Health we do not do allergy testing, but once a diagnosis has been made by an Immunologist and/or a Pediatrician we can offer specific help and advice Read more »

The early morning energy boost – what foods are our children fuelling up on?

Eating breakfast would have to be the most important start to your child’s day. Read more »

Dehydration and young athletes

Young children and adolescents are not little adults – dehydration can be a real problem for young athletes. Find out why? Read more »

Warning signs of excess alcohol

During times of stress it is tempting to reach for alcohol in the hope that it will relax you and take away the pain or sense of loss you may be feeling. Read more »

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