
Nutrition is constantly in the media and as Dietitians we endeavour to monitor scientific change and balance it with practical application and the enjoyment of food.

Marvellous mushrooms

Did you know? New Zealanders consume 2.7kg of mushrooms per person each year. Mushrooms rank as the third most popular vegetable in this country in 2010. White button mushrooms are the most commonly eaten type of mushroom in New Zealand. Mushrooms do not need light to grow. They obtain all their goodness and nutrients from … Read more »

Brace yourself for the brassicas

With Winter now upon us its time to eat more Brassica vegetables. What are they? Broccoli – 7th most popular vegetable in New Zealand Cauliflower – 13th most popular Cabbage (all types) – 12th most popular Brussel Sprouts Broccolini – consumption rocketing! Swedes Turnips Why are they so good? Brassicas contain: Antioxidants, from the following … Read more »

Teach children hygiene

Protect your family, particularly over summer months, from food borne illnesses by teaching your children simple rules of food safety. Every year a large number of children suffer food poisoning in New Zealand caused by contaminated food. These cases can be very severe particularly in young children and the elderly who may suffer from dehydration … Read more »

Infant nutrition influences blood pressure later in life

Scientific evidence suggests that environmental factors acting early in life may affect blood pressure in adult life. A study in Britain in 2004 supported earlier studies on infant nutrition and blood pressure that show a small reduction in systolic blood pressure in children breast-fed compared to those who were bottle-fed. Other advantages of breastfeeding Breast … Read more »

Navigating Christmas without weight gain

Measurement is an important evaluation tool at any time of the year, it is only human nature to want some means of measuring progress; however can we rely solely upon any particular measure and expect to obtain a reliable result? For each aspect of life we require some measure to determine our successes or failures, … Read more »

Alcohol and type 2 diabetes

The protective role of alcohol in protecting against heart disease has been reported throughout various media sources in previous years, however only recently has it also been shown in people with Type 2 Diabetes. Epidemiological evidence suggests that a light to moderate alcohol intake may have a protective role against the development of Diabetes in … Read more »

Tips to move you off the couch

Are you wanting to get into exercise but are finding every excuse under the sun? E.g. my neighbour wants to join me but is away right now; I’m waiting for the gym to open; I’ll get back into it when school goes back. Does this sound familiar? If you wait for all the conditions to … Read more »

Nutrition for healthy conception

If improving your fertility is on your mind right now then take a moment to review your current lifestyle.

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