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NZ children’s exposure to alcohol advertising

Researchers have found that NZ children are exposed to alcohol advertising around 4.5 times/day. Does this matter? What can we do? Read more »

Is the Keto Diet right for you?

Is the high fat Ketogenic Diet right for you? Find out the pros and cons and who should definitely not rely on this diet for weight loss. Read more »

Health & equity impacts of climate change on NZ

Climate change could endanger our food supply and economic growth. But making changes now could help stabilise life on earth and improve our longterm health. Find out why. Read more »

How kids are learning to cook and grow their food

You may already know about the Garden to Table program for kids. But this inspirational story shows how cooking can change behaviour, settle kids down and help us all to clean up our planet. Read more »

Sparkling water is good for you right? Maybe not

We all know that sugary drinks are full of calories that make you gain weight. So what about diet soft drinks and sparkling water? Find out.. Read more »

Is the sleepiness epidemic affecting you?

Sleep deprivation was once just associated with night shift work and settling newborn babes. Online work is changing this. Are you at risk? Read more »

How food firms target kids

Most of us are aware that TV advertising of unhealthy foods targets young children. New research shows how social media is also being used. Learn more about this and the codes that should protect our kids. Read more »

Is the UK sugar tax on soft drinks right for New Zealand?

Jamie Oliver pushed for a sugar tax on sugar sweetened beverages (SSB’s) in Britain and this is now working. But would it be right for New Zealand? Find out more about how these taxes might be applied.
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