Changing gears: Yes it's true, after 39 busy and rewarding years I'm stepping away from Private Practice at the end of June this year in order to concentrate more on community work. Read more »


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Shopping news

Over the past month there have been a number of new initiatives aimed at improving the way people shop. Are you up with the play? Read more »

A comparison of protein rich foods

Find out which types and cuts of meat have the lowest levels of fat and how meat stacks up in a comparison of other protein rich foods Read more »

Living with hypertension

Men can find making changes to their diet and exercise may take time and effort but the rewards can be great when their doctor is able to reduce their medication and life just becomes ” a whole lot easier”. Find out how. Read more »

Fibre may increase postheart attack life expectancy by a quarter

Find out how high fibre foods increase survival by up to 25%.
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In search of the ‘Best Diet’

High protein, high fat, high carbohydrate or calorie counting diets? Which dietary regimes deliver the best long term health? Read more »

Can a high fat diet aid weight loss?

Will eating more saturated fat such as found in bacon, butter and cream help you to lose weight? Read more »

Is cleansing healthy?

Cleansing the bowel and detoxifying the body is promoted widely by the popular media to improve health, reduce weight and combat the ills of modern day life.
But how healthy are these dietary regimes?
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Dementia – could dietary change make a difference?

Dementia is a syndrome affecting memory, thinking, behaviour and the ability to perform everyday activities. Could a change in your diet help you to avoid or better manage it? Read more »

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