
Nutrition is constantly in the media and as Dietitians we endeavour to monitor scientific change and balance it with practical application and the enjoyment of food.

Would activity icon labels alter your food choices?

Obesity is a global problem we need fresh ideas to help to solve. UK studies of icon labelling suggest this could be a popular initiative Read more »

How well do you feed your hair?

We take every part of our body for granted but have you ever considered how miraculous your hair growth really is? Do you feed it well? Find out. Read more »

7 Myths about weight loss

Lea Stening shares 7 common myths about weight loss and concludes that “you actually need to eat quite a lot of food in order to lose weight”. Read more »

Time your eating for better performance?

If playing sport or exercising, understanding the GI can help you to select foods that will provide optimal energy at key stages of activity for better performance.
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Mind your health if working online

Working remotely does offer benefits for business but is it good for your health and what needs to happen to make it so? Read more »

What’s the fuss about fructose?

Sugar has been the focus of attention lately amidst concerns for our dental health and obesity. But what about fructose, the sugar that intrinsically exists in fruits and vegetables? Could this be injurious to our health too? Read more »

Get into fruit and vegetables for optimal health

Do you get your 5+ A Day servings of fruit and vegetables? Learn how gardening and creative activities can improve your consumption of these foods and maximise their nutritional benefits for better health. Read more »

Our “Attitude” is the key to better health

If you are struggling with a weight or fitness issue and want to make changes this year look at your own “Attitude” first. Read more »

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