Changing gears: Yes it's true, after 39 busy and rewarding years I'm stepping away from Private Practice at the end of June this year in order to concentrate more on community work. Read more »



Nutrition is a relatively young applied science that is constantly advancing. Dietitians earn our credentials by keeping up with these changes and through our articles and newsletters we try to keep you updated too.

Petition for a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages

A tax on sugar-sweetened beverages will not be an overnight solution to our obesity problems but is a good first step and we need your help. Read more »

Happy Easter Everyone

Are you wondering about the “exercise price” of Easter treats? Read more »

International Dietitian’s Day March 9th

This year Dietitian’s want to get behind projects that improve health and life on our planet by building sustainable food resources and reducing waste. Can we help you to do this too?
Read more »

Health star rating aids weight control

February 15-21 is Healthy Weight Week in Australia a good time for those of us living in Australasia to learn about The Heatlh Star Rating for better food selection Read more »

Happy holidays

If you are keen to kick start your New Year with fresh food ideas and better health then make a date to talk with Lea. Read more »

12 Week Challenge!

Are you up for a 12 week challenge? Whether you would like to lose 10kg before Christmas, put more energy into each day or just get healthier we can help you find the quickest way. Read more »

Lea’s on The Daily Fix

As from Monday 17th August Lea will be joining the Daily Fix team of Aron and EJ on their Lifestyle program 4.30-4.45pm to talk about all things nutritional. Do join us Read more »

Get “Fit for Spring” Deals

Are you fit enough for Spring? Lea is offering a Spring Deal for August so get cracking now! Read more »


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