Changing gears: Yes it's true, after 39 busy and rewarding years I'm stepping away from Private Practice at the end of June this year in order to concentrate more on community work. Read more »


Online Nutrition Services

Distance is no longer a barrier to you receiving personal dietary advice.

Are you looking for an online nutrition coach?

Our highly qualified Dietitians can help adults and children of all ages.

Whether you need to lose weight or treat nutritional related symptoms of ill-health, we are happy to help you.

Completing a computer assessment of your diet will enable us to observe your eating style and measure your nutrient intake relative to your needs for age, growth and activity.

We can then review the assessment results in the light of the problem you have and make recommendations and adjustments as necessary.

Around 80-90% of your diet is probably fine. It is the remaining 20% of shortfalls that are stopping you from reaching your goals for better health.

How does the online nutritional service work?

  • Contact us by phone or email to discuss your nutritional concerns.
  • If you are unsure about using online platforms and services and would like to check your connection first or just have a quick chat about your needs, then do email us and we can also arrange an appointment if you decide to go ahead.
  • You can then download and complete the forms below for a nutritional analysis
  • Information, pertinent to your needs and the assessment results, will be sent to you via email.
  • For those who enrol for the Inspiration, Lifestyle or Energy for Life series, additional hand outs are emailed out at the time of your appointment.

Nutritional analysis forms

To begin a nutritional analysis please download and complete the following forms:

You can either save these forms as a document into your computer, fill them out and then attach them to an email and return these to This is the quickest method.

Or you can print these forms out, fill them in by hand, and either post them to PO Box 29-273, Riccarton, Christchurch 8440 or you can scan them and email them back.

Advice for parents

We also provide information about children’s growth rates and follow the same procedure of assessment for adults (outlined above) as we do for children.

Personal consultation

All our programmes can now be run on-line, and it helps if we can contact your doctor and have access to your blood results etc.too  if necessary. Simply contact us to make an appointment to talk to a dietitian.


Payments can be made by direct credit to Lea Stening Health:

Westpac 030802 0074941 02

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