What’s new?

Well, a lot really.

The whole LeaStening.com website has been redesigned, redeveloped and reworked allowing us to bring you more. More articles, more content, more this and that; social media tools, commenting functionality, article photos, interactive Google Maps, and monthly newsletters. The list goes on.


We’ve just about completely unlocked the members area; bringing many of the previously hidden-away articles out for public viewing. Articles are now categorised, tagged and search-able to make things easier for you to find what you’re looking for. We’re also allowing commenting within articles, encouraging interaction where ever possible. Our articles are frequently updated so be sure to visit again, or sign up for our free monthly Newsletter.

Social media

You may notice the Twitter, Facebook, Google PlusOne and a number of other icons around the place. We encourage you to use these features; to spread the word and hopefully allow others to find and enjoy the content you’re reading.


We have a large number of healthy recipes available on the website now; all categorised, tagged and search-able. Many of these may be referred to by your Dietitian, but if you would like to peruse… by all means. We’ll be continually updating these so remember to pop back again.

Monthly newsletter

The new system also incorporates a new newsletter mailing system; keeping you up-to-date with the latest news and articles each month. Simply fill out the little blue form at the top right corner of the website, or visit our Newsletter subscription form, to subscribe to this fantastic free service!

Frequently asked questions

We’ve noticed that we’re asked the same, or similar, questions on an ongoing basis so we’ve updated our previous list of FAQs and incorporated these into a fully integrated FAQs system. So we now have a very comprehensive list of FAQs, nicely categorised to make things a little easier for you.

Google Maps

You’ve all seen them before; we think they’re pretty nifty. We’ve incorporated Google Mapping into the clinics area to make things easier for you to find us. Hooray!

Success Stories

We have helped many people over the past 20+ years and we thought it would be nice for you to hear their stories. We will be updating this with new stories as they come about, but for now check out the new Success stories section.

Members area

We’ve decided to close the Members area for now. Much of the content from the old members area is now available freely to the public, but we may look at creating a new Members area at a later date.


We really hope you like all these changes. There is certainly a lot more for you to enjoy, so enough reading… get to it!

– Jonathan Stening, NZ Web designer & developer

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Plus as a bonus offer — subscribe today and receive FREE weight loss tips for two weeks! Learn how a number of foods, many one would consider 'healthy', may in fact be slowing your progress.


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