
Cup and Show week

It’s that time of the year again…

Whether you are heading off to the races or show you need to eat well in order to survive. It may sound a little extreme but it does take a lot of energy to walk around all day looking at the fashion, the horses and all the other animals.

For some healthy food guidelines read Lea’s article:

Survival guidelines for Cup and Show Week

Have fun and do get back to me if you are needing a nutritional assessment before Christmas

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  • How to Grow an Athlete is now available worldwide!

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  • Celebrate with me 291 Newsletters over 28 years!

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  • Save $$ on family packages

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  • Merry Christmas Everyone!

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  • Life Member of Food Writers New Zealand Award

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  • Pace yourself this Cup and Show week

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  • Online clinic news

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  • Happy Easter Weekend

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  • Lea’s book launch and sports nutrition in schools

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  • U3A Godley: Sports nutrition for senior athletes

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  • Wishing you a happy, healthy 2023

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  • Wishing you peace this Christmas

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  • Find the energy to enjoy Cup and Show week

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  • Women’s Health 2 Wealth

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  • Daffodil day

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  • July: The liver friendly month

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  • Grandparenting duties call

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  • Beef to leaf, from instant noodles to veganism

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  • Merry Christmas Everyone!

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  • Being locked down in Sydney wasn’t the plan

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  • Happy Easter break

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  • Merry Christmas Everyone

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  • Breast cancer pink ribbon appeal Oct 30-31st

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  • Malnutrition Week Oct 6-9th

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  • Keep well if working online

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  • Use this time to propel yourself forward

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  • Back to school and work

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  • Merry Christmas Everyone

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  • A long walk: Picton to Bluff for Cancer Society

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  • Just two days left to sign up for weight loss and better health

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  • Healthy kids, happy lives

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  • Swap ‘fat shaming’ for empowerment coaching

    Concerned about your partners weight? Drop the fat talk it only makes things worse. My empowerment coaching methods really work. Winter deals are available now to put more energy back into your lives. Call now Read more »

  • Happy Easter everyone

    Whether you are heading away this Easter or staying home we hope you have a safe and Happy Easter break with those you love Read more »

  • Lea is taking a hike

    Lea is taking a explore The Tora Walkway in Martinborough. The Skype clinic will be closed next week and re-opens on March 11. Do email Lea if you have an enquiry and she'll call on her return. Read more »

  • Back to school

    As children head back to school there will be lots of nutrition questions that you might need to consider. Like how much fluid, bread,meat,exercise, fat and protein do they need? Buy Lea's book. It's here to help. Read more »

  • 15 tips for healthier barbeques

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  • Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2019

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  • Kiwi’s have normalised childhood obesity says expert

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  • Milking it: is A2 milk worth the extra cost

    Start talking about milk and everyone has an opinion. We call it 'choice' which is alive and well in NZ. Find out more about A2 milk Read more »

  • Healthy kids, happy lives ..first birthday

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  • We’ve #AdEnough of junk food marketing

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  • Happy Easter everyone!

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  • March 20th World Oral Health Day

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  • Dietitian’s Day 14th March

    Today is Dietitian's Day and In the Otago Daily Times this morning Dietitian Dr Kirsty Fairbairn gives some great examples of how a dietitian could help you to unlock your potential with food Read more »

  • Happy Valentines Day February 14th

    February is the month for romance, but loving someone else takes a lot of energy all year round. Are you getting enough? Get your diet checked now. Read more »

  • Happy New Year Everyone

    We hope you have had an enjoyable Christmas break and  that this year is full of “good things” for you. If you are starting the year with new goals in mind for your weight or have health issues that need attention then we would love … Read more »

  • Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2018

    Do you have any special little things you like to do at Christmas. Every year I buy a new Christmas tree decoration and over the years I’ve built up quite a collection for my children. They are all shapes and sizes, some made by my … Read more »

  • Healthy kids, happy lives- radio and book review

    Lea’s latest book aimed at helping parents feed their children is out now. Currently NZ population rates as the third fattest in the OECD after USA and Mexico. Obesity is now causing children to develop diabetes. Something has to change. Lea has written a book … Read more »

  • Dietitian’s Day 19th September

    Find out why Dietitians NZ and its members are taking a stand in ensuring the public know where to turn for reliable and safe nutrition advice. Read more »

  • Radio NZ interview with Lea

    Listen to Kathryn Ryan from Radio NZ interview Lea Stening about her new book Healthy kids, happy lives aimed at improving child nutrition. Read more »

  • Support Daffodil Day August 25

    One in 3 New Zealanders are affected by cancer. Daffodil day, August 25th is your chance to make a difference by donating to the Cancer Society. Read more »

  • Healthy kids, happy lives -Book reviews

    Read what people are saying about Lea's latest book Healthy kids, happy lives. Improving children's nutrition takes effort from us all. What could you do to help? Read more »

  • Lea Stening- Keeping our kids healthy

    Find out more about Lea Stening and her work with children and sporting organisations in the latest Latitude Magazine Read more »

  • Skype clinic holiday

    The Skype clinic is now closed from May 6-June 28 but we do look forward to helping you when we return Read more »

  • Have a happy and safe Easter

    Whether you are staying at home or braving the elements of a wet Easter in NZ we wish you a safe and happy weekend. Read more »

  • Healthy biscuit recipe competition

    The hunt is on for a school child who can create the healthiest biscuit recipe in time for the global Food Revolution Day on May 19th. Read more »

  • National lamb day

    Today we celebrate February 15th and the fact that back in 1890 this was the first day that frozen meat was shipped from New Zealand to Britain. Read more »