

Motivation to keep training

The earthquake has certainly taken its toll when it comes to sport. All around the city gyms, pools, tennis courts, golf clubs and stadiums have been closed due to structural damage or liquefaction.

Many athletes, in training for major events, have now also lost gear making training a lot harder.

Finding the motivation to keep training can also be harder when loved ones, homes and possessions may have been lost or school, work and studies have been disrupted.

Whether you are training for a national event or simply trying to keep fit and healthy here are some tips that may help you get into gear:

  • Find support: Check in with your coach, PT or fitness advisor. If this is not possible then find a friend, create a group or walking buddy and get cracking.
  • Set a new routine: Plan which days and times you can exercise along with a contingency plan for bad weather or interruptions to schedules.
  • Plan what you will do: Try to get a mixture of weight bearing and aerobic exercise so as to maintain your strength and conditioning. If your gym has closed then start walking or jogging and use some of the beams and exercises laid out in local parks.
  • Set a long-term plan: What event, distance, mile stone do you want to have reached in 3-6-9-12mths from now?
  • How will you measure your progress? Whether you have access to a gear such as a pedometer or heart beat monitor is not important. Use what ever is helpful to keep track of what you do each day. From a simple diary noting minutes you spend, taking your pulse or counting lamp posts..keeping a score helps you monitor the changes that you are making.

While exercise can’t take away the losses you have suffered it will help you to feel more in control of your life, release some of the tension and build a healthier stronger you.

If you would like to have more specific help with sports nutrition contact us today

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Lea Stening

Lea is one of New Zealand’s leading paediatric dietitians and also specialises in Sports Nutrition. She has specialised in Paediatric Nutrition for 31 years and in 1985 was the first paediatric dietitian to enter private practice in New Zealand. Lea helps families through her private consultations, public lectures, newspaper and magazine articles as well as television and radio interviews. Read more »

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