
Diet therapy

Dietitians are trained to help people who, through medical (or elective) reasons, are unable to eat certain foods, whilst also helping them to maintain nutritional adequacy for good health.

Thinking of going vegan?

Veganism can be a very healthy lifestyle but there are some important things to know about before deciding that veganism is going to be right for you and will provide sufficient energy to fulfil the life goals you have in mind Read more »

Vitamin D for growth and immunity

Recent research has highlighted the importance of vitamin D to respiratory health with those who are deficient being 5 times more likely to contract Covid-19. It is important for children, athletes and the elderly. Find out why? Read more »

Dietary Guidelines are constantly changing: are they still relevant?

Although science is constantly evolving, generating new recommendations to improve our health, for many people their eating habits are based on things other than their longevity so are guidelines still relevant today? Read more »

Break free from Fad Diets

New diets pop up every day. Who should we believe? NZ Broadcasting student Louise Trenouth, on assignment, puts questions to Lea in an effort to understand Fad Dieting. Read more »

How to make the most of a plant-based diet

The plant-based diet is widening the range of foods on our supermarket shelves. How do they compare with standard meat and dairy products for nutrition value? Find out.. Read more »

Healthy At Every Size (HAES): the debate

The Healthy at Every Size (HAES) paradigm, focusing on body acceptance and healthy lifestyle changes, is gaining a lot of media attention as a possible way of curbing our escalating obesity stats. Find out more. Read more »

Are you afraid of the scales?

Everyday we measure things such as the time, money, distance, our cholesterol, petrol etc yet many people fear measuring themselves Read more »

Stay in ‘the loop’ for a brighter future

Loneliness and social isolation are being increasingly seen as risk factors to good physical and mental health. Learn how to stay connected with others and improve your sense of well being in 5 easy steps. Read more »

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