
Lea Stening

Nutrition and eye health

Good vision is essential for good health and sporting performance, especially if athletes are involved in precision sports that require good hand and eye co-ordination such as tennis, archery, pistol shooting, cricket and golf. Read more »

Dietary Guidelines are constantly changing: are they still relevant?

Although science is constantly evolving, generating new recommendations to improve our health, for many people their eating habits are based on things other than their longevity so are guidelines still relevant today? Read more »

5 good reasons for eating eggs

Are eggs really cheap and nutritious when compared with other protein rich foods? What about cholesterol? and are they safe to eat raw or if you’re pregnant? Find out .. Read more »

Exercise induced gastrointestinal syndrome- are you at risk?

Exercise is promoted by health organisations to build heart health and muscular strength etc, but some people experience gut health issues doing it. Why is this? Read more »

Coffee concoctions

Whether we sit in or take out it seems our love affair with coffee just keeps growing. Let’s take a quick look at the effect our choice of coffee may have on our nutrient intake. Read more »

Potatoes – they’re maybe healthier than you think 

Potatoes are often labelled too starchy, too fattening too boring, but is this fair? As we grapple with Covid-19 maybe it’s time to take a fresh look at how eating potatoes nationally could help our health and economic growth Read more »

Look for the opportunities to stay well this Christmas

It’s been a tough year for most of us as we’ve learned to live with Covid-19. Now we are in a holding pattern waiting for a vaccine, there are lots of ways to keep well if we look. Read more »

How to help athletes recognise the mental health risks of sport

Unlike a broken leg, mental health illness is something we can not see. Even athletes may discount their fatigue or depression as just due to training. Find out how to help. Read more »

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