
Sport & Exercise

Good nutrition aids peak performance on and off the track.

Put Sports Nutrition to work

Many workers use enough energy and essential nutrients each day to power a marathon. If not replaced then a lack of these key nutrients can lead to fatigue, accidents and injury that can affect their long-term health and mobility. Read more »

Athletes protect your winning smile

Athletes protect your smile and your wallet as painful tooth erosion is not only expensive it can also rob your training time and performance. Read more »

What are our children drinking?

In 2015 New Zealanders consumed a total of 518 million liters of carbonated drinks.
Outside of the drinking of milk and water there is real concern about the energy content of some of these beverages because of our rising incidence of diabetes and obesity.

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Facing the down times without weight gain

Nothing can be more infuriating for an athlete than after months of intense training an injury sees you ‘sidelined’. Read more »

Sports nutrition for women

Women who push the boundaries of their lives to take on new challenges and sporting events are usually also trying to juggle their work, home and training existence. With good sports nutrition advice It is possible to find renewed energy.
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Sports nutrition for cycling

Cycling tests an athlete’s strength and endurance capabilities as well as their anaerobic energy systems during breakaways, hill climbs and sprints to the finish.While some athletes rely heavily on dietary supplements, these will not replace a healthy training diet that is high in carbohydrate, with moderate protein and low in fat.

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Food to Fuel the Speights Coast to Coast

Whether you are a novice or seasoned triathlete your nutrition plan could make or break your race. All those competing should read the excellent nutrition tips on the official Speight’s Coast to Coast website and seek professional help if they have any concerns. In addition here is a check list of things you should also consider. Read more »

Nutrition for tendons and ligaments

The recent Rugby World Cup has placed the spot light on sports injuries and so we thought it might be interesting to look more closely at the protective role of sports nutrition and in particularly the nutrients important to tendon and ligament health.

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