
Diet therapy

Dietitians are trained to help people who, through medical (or elective) reasons, are unable to eat certain foods, whilst also helping them to maintain nutritional adequacy for good health.

Keep drinking milk

While we await more published scientific evidence to support the health claims that A2™ is superior to normal A1 milk there are real concerns amongst Dietitians that people may avoid drinking milk altogether. Read more »

Alcohol and weight

Alcohol is seemingly the most respectable drug within the New Zealand social scene but could our consumption be contributing to New Zealander’s growing problem of obesity? Read more »

Issues of concern to young athletes

Young developing athletes are an incredibly challenging group to work with because they are usually in the middle of adolescence and experiencing considerable physical and emotional change. Read more »

Sports nutrition issues to consider for the Olympic games

If you are planning to take a team to an Olympic games or you plan to compete yourself then there are a number of issues you may like to consider in order to maximise performance and preserve good health. Read more »

Water intoxification!

It is possible to drink too much. Athletes in particular can be at risk of developing hypernatraemia so are advised to check their hydration plans with us before embarking on endurance events. Read more »

Exercise and increased antioxidant requirements

To provide additional energy needed during exercise, the oxygen used in the exercising muscles increase by about 10-20%. A bi-product of the increased oxygen use is increased production of free radicals and therefore increased oxidative stress Read more »

The effects of early alcohol exposure on children

The human brain functions rather like a computer and the age at which a child is exposed to alcohol affects the ‘hardware’ (structure and size) and ‘software’ (processing ability) of this vital organ. Read more »

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