
Children 5–9 years

When children move onto school their daily routines are broken up by food breaks. School lunches and snacks, what to eat on sports days all becomes more important when children are growing.

Playtime helps combat childhood obesity

NZ children are getting fatter at a younger age That doesn’t mean that we need to consider dieting our children or dragging our toddlers around the race track but we do need to look at some simple things we can do to get healthier together. Read more »

Child growth rates vary

Does your child still fit last year’s school uniform?
It is surprising how much growth can occur over the school holidays
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“Free foods” for hungry children

Free foods”, while bulky, are very low in energy and filling. So their cost in terms of calories is much lower than most other dietary components, hence the term “free”. As these foods are also naturally fat free they make ideal snacks for anyone trying to control body weight Read more »

Teach your child to cook for better health

Is your child able to prepare a simple meal? Can you? A British poll in 1994 of seven to 15 year-old children found 93% could play computer games, but only 38% could cook a potato in its jacket in the oven. Another 61% of children could programme a video to record, but only 54% could boil an egg. A survey last year found that little had changed.

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Party plans for children

Birthday parties should be fun and the chance to celebrate a child’s special day with a minimum of work and cost for busy parents. If the party can be timed to fit around a normal meal time then “junk” foods can be kept to a minimum.

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What are our children drinking?

In 2015 New Zealanders consumed a total of 518 million liters of carbonated drinks.
Outside of the drinking of milk and water there is real concern about the energy content of some of these beverages because of our rising incidence of diabetes and obesity.

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Community support for overweight children

Easter can be a very difficult time for overweight children and their parents. The pressure begins in supermarkets and garages that begin stocking chocolate treats months before the holiday weekend starts. Much of this confectionary is displayed at the point of purchase and end of shopping aisles to increase the likelihood of impulse buys. Read more »

Drink milk for better health

Fonterra’s announcement that it will sponsor free milk in schools is good news for the future health of young New Zealanders. Milk is promoted on the basis of bone health but there are many other health benefits that should be promoted.
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