
Children 10–18 years

As children go through puberty they become more conscious of their body’s, how they look and feel. Their social life can also alter what they eat. Learning how to stay healthy and strong whilst eating well can improve their academic & sporting results.

Changing our “weight talk” may bring better health

A child can build their confidence and self esteem if monitoring their growth rate is accompanied by positive health messages about weight, fitness and energy to achieve in life. Read more »

Overcome misconceptions about weight for better family health

Despite the proliferation of information linking a healthy diet with weight control the rates of obesity around the world continue to grow.1
Could it be that adults and children misperceive their weight or lack the self- efficacy to make changes?
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Nutrition for distance runners and “fun runs”

Distance running and “fun runs” (and walks) of varying length and degree of difficulty are becoming popular, attracting family and community groups; recreational and elite participants. Paying attention to sports nutrition can improve an athletes performance and enjoyment of these events Read more »

Tune into your parenting style for better child health

The food that children eat is influenced by TV advertising, peer pressure and their likes and dislikes but by far the greatest influence is the food that their parents choose for them at the supermarket that may also reflect their parenting style. Read more »

Grandparents can help fight childhood obesity

Grandparents can offer support to parents when they recognise that feeding problems may exist in their children. Also they can help to educate the young about the importance of good nutrition to physical and mental development and disease prevention Read more »

Milk matters

How safe is cow’s milk in the raw and homogenised state? When can cow’s milk be given to infants and how can we protect children against developing allergies to cow’s milk? These are just some of the questions that have come up in the media lately and are in need of some clarification Read more »

Playtime helps combat childhood obesity

NZ children are getting fatter at a younger age That doesn’t mean that we need to consider dieting our children or dragging our toddlers around the race track but we do need to look at some simple things we can do to get healthier together. Read more »

Vegetarians face extra hurdles

Despite the apparently healthier lifestyle vegetarian athletes (like anybody) can still become overweight, hungry, bloated and suffering from multiple nutrient deficiencies. Read more »

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